
Early Five

Prize: 900 coins - You can claim early five by striking the first five numbers.

Four corners

Prize: 900 coins - To form a corner, the numbers required are: Top Row: 1st and 5th Number; Bottom Row: 1st and 5th Number.

Top line

Prize: 900 coins - When all Numbers of 1st line of your tambola ticket are striked then you can claim Top Line.

Middle line

Prize: 900 coins - When all Numbers of Middle line of your tambola ticket are striked then you can claim Middle Line.

Bottom line

Prize: 900 coins - When all Numbers of Bottom line of your tambola ticket are striked then you can claim Bottom Line.

Full house

Prize: 2700 coins - Full House is the Grand prize of the game. Once all the 15 Numbers of your ticket are cut, i.e. striked out, you can claim full house.


Prize: 900 coins - To claim a pyramid, the numbers that are required to cut are: Top Row: 3rd Number; Middle Row: 2nd, 4th Number; Bottom Row: 1st, 3rd, 5th Number.


Prize: 900 coins - To form a center, the numbers required are: Middle Row: 3rd Number.


Prize: 900 coins - To form a center, the numbers required are: Top Row: 3rd Number; Middle Row: 2nd, 4th Number; Bottom Row: 3rd Number.


Prize: 900 coins - To form breakfast, the numbers included are Columns 1, 2, 3 of a tambola ticket. It covers numbers from 1 to 29 in a ticket. (Remember that number 30 comes in column 4).


Prize: 900 coins - To form lunch, the numbers included are Columns 4, 5, 6 of a tambola ticket. It covers numbers from 30 to 59 in a ticket. (Remember that number 60 comes in column 7).


Prize: 900 coins - To form dinner, the numbers included are Columns 7, 8, 9 of a tambola ticket. It covers numbers from 60 to 90 in a ticket. (Remember that number 60 comes in column 7).


Prize: 900 coins - To form a minor, all the numbers from 1- 49 are included.


Prize: 900 coins - To form a major, all the numbers from 50- 90 are included.

You need to click on the “Claim” Button to claim any prize since there could be multiple players claiming for the same prize, the first one to claim for the prize is declared winner of that particular prize.

Different games have different prizes, you can check the notification section to check the prizes available for your particular game.

For more details about prizes and how to claim the same in the game, you can refer to the following link in the app Settings->Prizes Section.